The assignment was to come up with your own concept for a video game. After writing a pitch to our instructor, we were given the green light to proceed. First, we were asked to establish symbols for the protagonist, antagonist, and an object of significant importance. Then, design an appropriate logo using one of the symbols. Finally, we were to illustrate some Super Nintendo-esque game box art. Time constraints prevented me from taking this illustration as far as I wanted, but ultimately I'm still happy with the result.

I always start with a sketch. For everything. It helps me organize my thoughts. Even the simplest logos I design begin life as graphite on paper.

The pitch letter. I felt hamstrung by the word limit, especially considering we were primarily supposed to explain our choices regarding the symbols we created. I could've easily gone on for pages. I've had this idea for a game rattling around in my head for a while, so it was tough to reign in my enthusiasm and not go overboard.

The symbols. From the left, Olivia, Mom, and Entropy. See letter above for more info.

The logo.