A quick study (15 minutes) in charcoal.

Same gentleman as above. We were asked to exaggerate features to evoke emotion. He always seemed a bit tortured to me.

A study on musculature. Believe it or not, this is the same man from the portraits above. He was in incredible shape. And, given he was in his 60's his skin was very thin, making every fiber of his muscles visible. He was the perfect model to study anatomy.

A 30 minute study on the anatomy of the shoulders and back.

This one was tough. We we instructed to imagine the skeleton under the skin of a live model.

I love drawing hands and feet. This was a quick (10 minutes) value study of our model's foot.

A light and shadow study where we were forced to achieve the visual effect of a light source without using any grey. I apologize for the sticky note. My instructor left me a note, and when I tried to remove it, it started to rip the paper, so I just left it.

A 15 minute study of light and shadow. As a very detail oriented artist, the time constraints placed on us in this course made me loosen my style a bit, and in hindsight made me a much better artist. I owe this life-drawing class a lot for my skills as a studio artist today.